Monday, June 25, 2007

Here is my house!

It took some time, but here are picture of my lodge. Pretty much room to room. It is a very homey and nice place. Not so much that you are afraid to break things, but just enough to feel like you are on vacation. Now that we have guests here, things have actually calmed down. I am still working insane hours, but i make sure that i take a break in my day to roam around. We are very close to a walking trail were you can get fresh rhubarb and blueberries. We have been getting Halibut and Salmon like crazy. The guest show up every day with a smile from ear to ear. It is a wild bunch, open bar is not really a good idea. Pad lock and key is better suited.
It is a nice world up here. If you happen to be on the road at the same time as another car, you wave. Not kidding, you have to wave. You can't get lost. I sort of did, but in general you go right to get there, left to get back. My bad. My food selection has been a hit. My biggest mistake was trying to prepare and over-plan. With the ordering system here, it is not possible. We have to wing-it day to day. Which means, the menus i spent months preparing for, are more like wishful thinking. I have never had to think so much on my toes, but it is quite a rush. I am thoroughly enjoying myself and yet much missing you guys. Please fill me in on your happenings.

Love you!

1 comment:

FoUr AsSed MOnKey said...

Sounds like a bunch of fun. I had heard about the grocery situation from a number of friends that spent time up there. Hang in there and don't work too hard. See ya